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Most popular casino games
People love casino games because they are entertaining and also because they have great stakes for winning some money! They offer a range of interesting and exciting bonuses. Casinos such as Casino Genie are also a hub of activity and for most they are a good place to socialise.
Roulette played on a laptop
Here are a few of the most popular games.


This is one of the most popular casino games for many people more for the reason that it is a game based on good decision-making skills rather than luck. Therefore, a lot of people find that it is a game they can easily learn, and it is also very enjoyable to play. The aim of the game is to beat the dealer to a hand of 21 without going bust. It is a very rapid game that is constantly changing. It is one that will keep you on your toes as it is full of thrill.


There are many variations of the game which are very popular with many people. One to mention is Three Card Poker where the objective is to make the best hand possible using three cards. The card game is easy to learn and lots of fun, and you only play the dealers and not the others at the table. Therefore, it is great for first timers without the pressure of having to compete with many people.


Oh, to be at a Roulette table nestled in amongst eager faces with colourful chips nestled close to their bodies staring at the roulette wheel! The player places chips on the table and the dealer spins the roulette wheel and if someone placed their bets where the ball lands are then they win. This is one of the most social games in the casino and because it is easy to play, it attracts all sorts of crowd from the first timers to the casino regulars.


Slot machines are fun due to their graphics and themes which make them exciting and fun to play. They also have a number of reels with a lot of pay out which is what makes them quite popular, you can get a huge pay out for a small investment.

There are many other popular games in casino which are all fun to play with very different pay outs. So why not have a go until you find your favourite!

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