Combination Example Explanation
Prial 3 3 3 "Prial" - short for "pair royal". A set of three cards of equal rank. The top hand is threes and then they follow in rank order from the Aces down.
Running flush 3 2 A A running flush is a set of three consecutive cards of the same suit. Note : 2-A-K is not a valid run or running flush.
Run J 10 9 Three running cards, 2-A-K is not a run, top hand is A-K-Q.
Flush Q 7 2 Three cards of the same suit
Pair 8 8 J Two cards of equal rank. The third card counts if two people have the same pair.
High card A J 7 Cards that do not form any of the above. All cards count so if two people have Ace High then it goes to the next card and then the third if necessary.